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Who We Are

eHostPK Private Limited is the indispensable partner of CloudBG LTD (Company Number: 14847521) in the United Kingdom.

eHostPK Private Limited, with hundreds of thousands of websites in operation,  is one of the largest Web Hosting Providers in Pakistan. 

Since its founding in 2013, eHostPK Private Limited has provided private and business customers with powerful hosting products and reliable IT infrastructure.

We provide Web Hosting, Windows VPS, Free Panel VPS, Reseller Web Hosting, Root Reseller Web Hosting, Dedicated Web Hosting, and SSL Certificate Services in Pakistan, We work with our customers to deploy fast and affordable solutions provisioned from a world-class global infrastructure.

Our Mission

Since its founding in 2013, eHostPK has been on one single mission to provide their clients and customers that make their lives easier and manage their online business without any headaches. We deliver our services with constant support, and by frequently updating our server technology.

We Make Commitment with Effciency

Like most people believe, that success comes with consistency and daily hard work. Thousands of people trust us to create the best website and this is the best reward and great inspiration to us.

We are Great at

Popular CMS

We support WordPress, a robust open source CMS for the web. We help our customers to create better websites by providing expert-level support.

Website Speed

Our WordPress & Business plans allow our customers to grow as website creators and business owners.

Dedicated 24/7 Support

For every committed online solution finder with the ambition to rock the web.

Customers Review​

We always appreciate feedback from our customers, both excellent and even constructive.

Unlimited Web Hosting
