Domain Registration

Grab Your Favorite
Domain Name

Get a .com in just $15/yr*
Already have a domain? Transfer domain to us.

A few tips while registering the domain name.

Keep it simple
as you can

Simple domain names are easy remember, and can represent your business nicely.

Be Unique

Stay brandable, but don’t use alternative spelling for instance frndz.

Book Quickly

A domain name you like might not available tomorrow. So be quick and book the domain.

Hyphens - are not SEO friendly

Hyphens should not be in your domain name. So, try to avoid them.

Think about other extensions

Unable to find your domain in some extension? Don’t lose your identity consider other TLDs options.

Your domain comes with benefits.

Domain Management

Flexible dashboard to manage all your domains.

Domain Lock

Protects your domain from unwanted transfers.

Domain Forwarding

Redirects your audience to the other desired adresses.

DNS Management

Manage your DNS with the domain dashboard we provide.

Dedicated Support

24/7 dedicated support for our customers.

Still Got Questions?

We have precise answers.
1What is a domain name?

A domain name is the address of your website on the internet. An IP adress is the set of numbers for the physical address of your website. You instead of typing the IP address in the browser you will enter your domain name to access your website. A domain is followed by TLDs for instance .com, .org, .net etc.

2Which domain extensions are available?
3Is my domain name available?

Today, there are so many TLDs are available to choose from. The first thing you will check is that your desired domain name is available or not. You can use our domain serach box to search your favorite domain names. If your domain name is available then congrats if not you can consider other TLds.

4How should I choose my domain name?

You have to be precise while choosing your domain name. Consider popular TLDs and keep your domain name simple so people can remember it. Your domain name is your online identity. So choose your domain wisely.

5Can I transfer my domain name to eHostPK (PVT) Limited?

Yes, you can transfer your domain to eHostPK (PVT) Limited any time. Follow the instruction in domain control panel or you can take help from our support team.

6Should I use Domain + Privacy Protection?

When you purchase a domain name, your personal information registered with your domain name like your name, email address, address, mobile number etc. When people search your domain in the WHOIS directory they can get your registered details. Privacy Protection hide all your personal details and protects you from spamming and unwanted contact.

7Is domain privacy protection is free?

No, it is not free. We charge minimum for privacy protection on domain names just $2.

8What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Local Bank Transfer, Easy Paisa, Visa Master Card, Paypal.

9What kind of support do you provide to your customers?

For our customer’s convenience, we provide a wide array of helpful resources. Use these resources not only to help you get started but also for ongoing support. You can begin by accessing our Resource Center for useful tools like how-to videos, small business webinars, blogs, and user guides.You can also use our support ticket system. Need more help? Our technical support is available 24/7.

Find Your Domain Name Today!

.com in just $15

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